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What does spinal canal stenosis mean?

First you need to know the two walls of the spinal canal.

Anterior one: made up by the vertebral body and discs.

Posterior one; made up by the vertebral arch and ligaments.

So, spinal stenosis might be caused by vertebral fractures, tumors, slippage, disc prolapse, swelling of ligaments or bony spurs.


Then you should know that this stenosis may be static ( do not change with movement of spine)

OR dynamic ( change by spine movements).


Next, you need to know that spinal stenosis are degrees. The higher degree it is the more need for surgery.




Last, you need to know when do you have canal stenosis

Limb pain

Limb muscle cramps on movement ( claudication)

Limb numbness

Pain gets better on flexing your spine forward.